Working the Pain out of Those Joints With RA Massage

What to Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis Massage

Massage therapy can help you so much when you have rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis can be incredibly stressful but there’s an interesting thing that happens when you go in for a massage.

  • First 5 minutes: You get accustomed to the massage therapist.
  • Next 5 minutes: You strip down to your underwear and lie down on the massage table with a sheet over you.
  • Next 10 minutes: You’re still thinking about your problems and how rough life is.
  • Next 20 minutes: You begin to feel parts of your body again.
  • Next 20 minutes: You forgot you have any problems whatsoever.
  • Next 5 minutes: You want to book your next appointment.

Massage can totally shift your thinking into place where you have no worries. And it will also boost your immunity, which is good because sometimes the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is infections.

You can also expect to experience a reduction of pain in your body by the time you leave.

When joints and muscles receive the extra circulation they may have been deprived of, they reward you with less pain. Increased flexibility and joint range of motion is also another benefit.

Some Things To Think About Before You Go For a Massage

If you’re new to massage, it’s good to know how you can maximize the experience. Here’s a list of five things that will help.

  1. If you work a full time job, you don’t need to schedule your massage during the work day. Even if you have a work day from hell, the massage will calm you down.
  2. Don’t schedule anything after your massage. You’ll want to enjoy the relaxation and go to bed early to capture all of the rejuvenation effects.
  3. Be well hydrated before you go in for a massage. When you are well hydrated, your body is able to detoxify itself better during the massage. Dehydration slows everything down.
  4. Eat a meal at least an hour before your massage. You don’t want to be starving during your massage but you also don’t want to be so full you are uncomfortable.
  5. Make a list of any fragrances or oils you are sensitive to. Go over the list with your massage therapist before the massage.
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What To Ask Potential Massage Therapists

You can find an excellent rheumatoid arthritis massage therapist by calling the American Massage Therapy Association or viewing their website. Your city may also have a listing in some newspapers or magazines. When you interview massage therapists, ask these questions:

  • How long have you been a massage therapist?
  • Where did you go to school? (Find out about them passing all licensing requirements.)
  • What types of massage do you do?
  • What type of massage do you think is best for me? (Then explain your situation.)
  • How long are the sessions?
  • How much does it cost? Do you accept tips?

The most important part of the interview process is how comfortable you feel with the massage therapist. Since the massage is a personal and intimate event, you need to have maximum comfortability with this person.

That’s all you need to know for now. Book your rheumatoid arthritis massage!

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